What is True Freedom?

"Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a really complete or successful life unless one is rich."
- Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich

True Freedom is the right of everyone. The freedom to choose and to achieve, to be free from worrying about money, to spend time as we like. Our hopes, our dreams. The question is: Are you truly free?

Let's embark on a journey as we unravel possibilities on how to become truly free and live the life of your dreams - a journey to freedom.

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Monday, December 3, 2007

Am I Free? Checklist

From time to time, we need to reflect on our lives to see where we are and where we are headed, just as the navigators of a sea-faring vessel does. Below is a checklist I made to help you reflect on the things commonly held important by most people.

Answer honestly each item with either a "yes" or a "no", and write down how you came up with your answer. Take some time and reflect on each item carefully. Search inside yourself. Discussing this with your loved ones and letting them answer their own checklists also will be very helpful. Don't limit yourself to your present situation. Think in terms of what you really want in life with no compromises.

  1. I can buy all the important things that I need be it for personal, educational, professional, social, spiritual, or other purposes.
  2. I can buy my dream house anytime.
  3. I can buy my dream car anytime.
  4. I can take a vacation anytime I want to, spending money without concern for my budget.
  5. I can commit myself to charitable or social undertakings anytime and anywhere in the world, no matter the financial cost.
  6. I can send my children to their college of choice anywhere in the world, complete with lodging and living expenses.
  7. I can stop working immediately and attend to our kids full time without decreasing our monthly income.
  8. My family can eat healthily even if it costs us more money to do so.
  9. I am able to say no when my boss orders me to work overtime.
  10. I am able to pursue my life mission or my childhood dreams full time.
  11. I am always present during all of the important events in my life and in the lives of my loved ones.
  12. I am able to retire comfortably at any age I want without decreasing my monthly income or seeking financial help from my family or children.
If you answered "yes" to almost all of the questions, hats off to you! You are one of the minority group who has the freedom to seek and achieve the important things in life.

But for most people, you may have realized a lot of things during this exercise. That maybe we are not free at all, or not as much as we would like to believe. It's one thing to be comfortable to be living below your means, it's a different world to increase your means so you would have choices. To find out more on how we can address this, check out my two articles "What is Real Freedom?" and "How can we achieve true freedom?".

Some people may feel out of place. You may not have taken the time before to evaluate your life and understand what really is important to you or to the people who matters to you. Or maybe you have not set out a plan on what you want to achieve with your life. I recommend that you make a life plan of your own to discover and to strive for what matters most.

Did this checklist help you realize the big picture of your situation? Share this with your friends. Also, don't forget to subscribe to my feeds.

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Are You Truly Free?

Inside Room 1313, Hotel Lafayette.
MORPHEUS: I imagine, right now, you must be feeling a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole?
NEO: You could say that.
MORPHEUS: I can see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, this is not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo?
NEO: No.
MORPHEUS: Why not?
NEO: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.
MORPHEUS: I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you are here... You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You felt it your entire life. Like there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?
NEO: The Matrix.
MORPHEUS: Do you want to know what it is? The Matrix is everywhere, it's all around us, even here in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window, or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
NEO: What truth?
MORPHEUS: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage. Born inside a prison that you cannot smell, or taste, or touch. A prison for your mind.
-- personally transcribed from The Matrix (click here to view the clip)

Have you ever asked yourself this: Am I truly free? Or were you only led to believe so?

It has been 5 years already since I first realized that I was living inside a real-world Matrix. We all do. Really? You might think that I'm crazy, that I'm only pulling your leg. Far from it.

Let me illustrate by asking you a few personal questions:

  • Would you like to achieve financial freedom and independence?
  • Are you tired of the old system? Do you want to live on your own terms?
  • Does the clock dictate your life? Would you want to lead a more stress-free and peaceful life?
  • Do you want to maximize your freedom of choices instead of your budget always limiting you?
  • Would you want to take control of your financial future?
If you answered "yes" to any of the questions, then I think that you are also like me, seeking freedom. Either consciously or subconsciously, we all desire to be free. That desire, that yearning within us is an indication that we are not living the lives that we actually want. It's like there is an invisible prison, keeping us confined to just where we are. This leads us to a lot of questions like: "What is real freedom?" and "How can we achieve true freedom?". Do read these articles and let me show you "how deep the rabbit hole goes."

I also prepared a short checklist to gauge your level of present freedom. Invest some time on answering it honestly as it may let you realize where you are now compared to where you really want to be.

Want to know more about how to achieve a life of freedom and choice? Subscribe to my feeds to receive free information and updates.

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Friday, November 16, 2007


Do you want to:

1. Improve your personal cash management?
2. Know how to increase your current cashflow?
3. Learn negotiation skills in business?
4. Make the most of your hard-earned savings?
5. Gain knowledge on starting your business?
6. Understand what risk really means?
7. Know the secrets to successful business and investments?
8. Realize being able to give more back to the community and society?

The things you don't know about financial literacy might be stopping you from getting what you can have. This must be the answer...

Learn what the Rich teach their kids about money that the poor and middle class do not.

CASHFLOW® 101 is an educational board game that teaches accounting, finance, and investing at the same time - and makes learning fun. Created by Robert Kiyosaki, author of the No. 1 bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad, it is meant to bridge the learnings from his bestseller to our experiences in the real world.

It is with great privilege that we are able to let Filipinos access this powerful educational tool locally. We also offer special sessions for interested companies and institutions.

To Schedule a Workshop:

Email me with the following format

Full Name:

Contact details (landline; cellphone; email)*:
Preferred workshop date(s) and time**:
Preferred location:
Expected number of participants (please indicate their ages):
Brief answer to: "Why do you want to attend CASHFLOW 101?"

I will contact you within 2-3 working days upon receipt of your email to confirm the workshop details.

* Your contact information will be kept confidential and will not be sold to anyone. The information we collect is solely for the purpose of communicating with you and/or other members of the CASHFLOW community.

** Please take note that the workshop date and time may be subject to availability (allow 3 weeks lead time for this). Standard rates may also apply to cover the expenses (depending on your needs). The workshop is 4 hours long but can be extended upon request.

Announcement: Due to heavy bookings, regular scheduling of the CASHFLOW 101 Workshop is in the works. We will keep you posted on the latest news. If you have any comments or suggestions, please don't hesitate to email me.

Related links:

You may also send this to people you know who may benefit from this event, you may have changed their lives by doing so.

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Greetings, my friend!

It is now four years since the White Knight have first set out to save his family from the menacing Dark Duke. Months of trials and tribulations have tempered this Knight like a shining sword of justice; he has gained much wisdom and experience. He wishes to share with the world what he has learned so that all may benefit. It is this Knight's wish that he may touch your life in a positive way.

But the battle is not yet over, the Knight is still in this quest to vanquish the evil duke. I invite you to join us as we share and participate in this Knight's adventures towards true freedom.

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